Created on 2007 by proposal of the former Departamento de Estudos Romanísticos of Madeira University, approved in senate on 25th of July of 2007, CIERL-UMa – Centro de Investigação em Estudos Regionais e Locais (Research Centre for Regional and Local Studies) is a multidisciplinary research centre currently integrated in Centro de Competência em Artes e Humanidades da Universidade da Madeira, based on the University Campus of Penteada (Gabinete 1.75, 1.º piso).
Formed by 44 PhD researchers, 25 Ma. researchers and 8 graduated researchers, who not only are associated to UMa but also to many other academic institutions, both national and international. CIERL has defined as priority research areas, in the scope of Regional and Local Studies, the following:
- History and Memory Studies (coordination: Professor Nelson Veríssimo)
- Culture Studies (coordination: Professor Leonor Martins Coelho)
- Literary Studies (coordination: Professor Ana Isabel Moniz
- Artistic Studies (coordination: Professor Isabel Santa Clara)
- Linguistic Studies (coordination: Professor Aline Bazenga)
- Political Studies (coordination: Professor Paulo Miguel Rodrigues)
- Psychology (coordination: Professor Margarida Pocinho)
- Tourism Studies (coordination: Filipa Fernandes)
The main goals of CIERL-UMa follow three strategic guidelines, defined not only by the priority given to the research areas above enunciated, but also according to the conclusions and suggestions presented by ARDITI on July 2014, in the publication of the Estratégia Regional de Especialização Inteligente – Madeira 2020. The three strategic guidelines are:
- Promote scientific research on the transdisciplinary area of Regional and Local Studies and in particular on the areas that CIERL-UMa has defined as priority, thus contributing for the development of the regional system of R&D+I.
- Contribute for a better and more efficient integration of the academic work developed by CIERL-UMa in the social, economic, cultural and political fabric of RAM, promoting individual and collective projects guided not only by the principles of rigor, quality and scientific demand, but also by social responsibility.
- Stimulate the intra-institutional cooperation of the scientific work developed among CIERL-UMa members, as well as between CIERL-UMa research team, CCAH-UMa activities and other competence centers and respective specialization areas that exist in UMa.
- Promote the internationalization and interinstitutional cooperation of CIERL-UMa with other research centres and both national and international universities, as a way to update, divulge and value de work produced by its researchers.
In that sense, CIERL-UMa has been betting on the creation of cooperation partnerships (formal and informal) with several regional, national and international institutions (academic and non-academic), namely:
- ARM –Arquivo Regional da Madeira (Regional Archives of Madeira Island), since 2012.
- AAUMa – Associação Académica da UMa (UMa’s Academic Association), since 2014.
- CECC – Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Cultura da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Research Center for the Study of Communication and Culture, Catholic University of Portugal), since 2013.
- CHUL – Centro de História da Universidade de Lisboa ( History Research Center of Lisbon University (in formalization)
- MACF- Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Funchal (Contemporary Art Museum of Funchal), since 2015.
- MASF- Museu de Arte Sacra do Funchal (Sacred Art Museum of Funchal), during 2013-2014;
In a similar way, the researchers and projects of CIERL has collaborated with various groups and departments of UMa, namely:
- Conselho de Cultura (Cultural Board);
- Clube de Universitário de Cinema (University Movie Club);
- CDA – Centro de Desenvolvimento Académico (Centre of Academic Development).
Even if it was created in 2007, only since 2013 CIERL-UMa has gathered the necessary conditions to effectively dynamise it’s scientific, formative and social marketing activities, namely:
Center’s Research Lines:
- Arte e Design no Espaço Público
- Cultural Transfer in Island Contexts – The Arquipelago of Madeira (case studies) [Transferência Cultural em Contexto Insular – O Arquipélago da Madeira (estudos de caso)]
- Imagem e Território: Iconografia da Ilha da Madeira.
Center’s Research Projects:
- ArPoFaMa-CIERL – Arquivo do Português Falado no Arquipélago da Madeira do CIERL
- DMDM – (Dis)Memory of Disaster? Culture and natural hazards. Madeira island, a case study (2012-2014), project developed in partnership with CECC-UCP and with ARM, during the academic year of 2012/2013 (cf.
- HumanCultTransform-Climate Change, Human Development and Cultural Citizenship Transformation (2014 – 2020), project developed in partnership with CECC-UCP (Portugal), Brescia University (Italy).
- Núcleo da Familía e Aconselhamento Parental.
- Investigação Científica em Psicologia Anomalística – ICPA.
- Projecto da Carta da Conviviabilidade.
- Tratuário. Percursos para a História da Cultura Madeirense (2014-2020), projeto desenvolvido em parceria com a AAUMa, mas também com o apoio informal do Arquivo Regional da Madeira e da Secretaria Regional da Educação e Recursos Humanos da RAM.
Academic Encounters:
- 1st INSULA International Colloquium (19, 20, 21 November, 2015) – Cooperation CIERL-UMa/ MACF;
- 2nd International Conference (Dis)Memory of Disaster (Being prepared. To be held in UMa, on the first semester of 2016);
- Conferência Factores Visuo-vestibulares Associados a Desordens de Ansiedade (18 jun. 2014, sala de Conferências, Campus Universitário da Penteada).
- 2nd Memory and Natural Disasters in Madeira Conference. Catharsis and (Re)Construction (20 of February of 2014, Conference Room, University Campus of Penteada; in partnership with the Cultural Board of Uma) – Cooperation between CIERL-Uma and CECC-UCP;
- 1st International (Des)Memory of Disaster (18-19 October 2013, University Campus of Penteada) – cooperation between CIERL-Uma and CECC-UCP;
- 1st Memory and Natural Disasters in Madeira Conference. Remembering, Forgeting, Recalling? (20 of Ferbuary, University Campus of Penteada) – cooperation between CIERL-UMa and CECC-UCP.
Formative activities:
- Workshop Natural Risks and Local Community. Building Resilience through Participation, coordinated by Sara Bonati, in 23 October 2013. This workshop, held in sala dos Arcos (Reitoria da UMa, Funchal), was one of the parallel activities of the 1st International Conference (Dis)Memory of Disaster.
- Workshop GAP [break limite], coordinated by Teresa Norton Dias, between 12 e 18 de October 2013. This Workshop, held in sala dos Arcos (Reitoria da UMa, Funchal), was one of the parallel activities of the 1st International Conference (Dis)Memory of Disaster.
Cultural Events:
- [ON ACCIDENT] The “accident” and the design of the city. The case of the parish of St. Peter, in the city of Funchal, Madeira Island – Individual exhibition by Paulo Freitas (November 2014, sala dos Arcos, Reitoria da UMa, Funchal);
- Cinema Cycle the imminence of DISASTER (November 2013) – cooperation project between DMDM and the Clube Universitário de Cinema da UMa.
- Collective exhibition of Visual Arts, The Labyrinth of Memory, (18 October – 17 November 2013, sala dos Arcos, Reitoria da UMa, Funchal).
- CIERL-UMa Bulletin;
- Tratuário collection (partnership CIERL-UMa/Imprensa Universitária-AAUMa)
- Life, Memory & Culture collection
- Pensadiverso. Revista de Estudos Lusófonos da Universidade da Madeira (Journal on Lusophone Studies)
Direction Board:
- Director: Professor Paulo Miguel Rodrigues
- Other Members: Professor Leonor Martins Coelho and Professor Margarida Pocinho
- Coordinators of the Scientific areas of CIERL-UMa.
The activities of CIERL-UMa are divulged by the website ( and by the official Facebook page (